You can mix and match old Verizon unlimited plans with new ones

Verizon’s new unlimited plans released today, and honestly, they are very confusing.

There used to be three unlimited plans, and now there are now four unlimited plans. Each of the newer unlimited plans has an older plan that is fairly comparable.

Still, there are some key differences between the plans, and naturally, some people in your family plan might want to stay on their current plan, and some people might want to switch plans.

This was my situation. All four Verizon smartphone lines on my family plan are all on the older “Go Unlimited” plan. The older Go Unlimited plan comes with an unlimited hotspot at a speed of 600 kbps.

Any family members that were willing to lose hotspot capability could switch to the new Verizon “Starter Unlimited” plan and save $5 per month.

Two family members on my plan didn’t want to lose their hotspot, and they didn’t want to pay $5 more to gain a faster hotspot. This means that two of my lines wanted to stay on my plan, and that led me to ask this question:

Can you mix and match older unlimited plans and newer unlimited plans and still receive multi-line discounts?

There is no question that we can all have different unlimited plans, but the real question is about multi-line discounts.

My family wanted to stay on the older unlimited plans, but my wife was perfectly content dropping her hotspot to save $5 a month. I was a little bit different, and I was actually wanting to spend an extra $5 per month to gain a faster hotspot (and also gain more premium LTE data).

With my family in this dilemma, I simply waited until the next day, and changed the plan myself online. As you change your plan, Verizon’s system estimates your next bill, and luckily, Verizon was able to give us multi-line discounts and still keep us on the unlimited plan.

So yes, you can mix and match your unlimited plans and still receive multi-line discounts. Unless Verizon has a bug in their system, it seems clear that you can switch some lines to a different unlimited plan and still keep some older unlimited plans on your account, all while retaining your multi-line discount.

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